Tuesday 13 December 2016


Well,well... 1 year has already gone past...lots of things changed!
Hope your year was s good as mine was.
In 13 days is christmas! Really looking forward to that !
Hope you are too!

Tuesday 23 February 2016

happy new year 2016 - New Years Resolutions

I haven't posted anything this year but...im back!
I will be open to any subject :)
I hope all of you had a great year and I hope you have a better one this year ;)

Some of my resolutions:
1)Enjoy life more and live life to the fullest.
2)Spend more time with family and friends.
3)Get organized!
4)Help others.
5)Learn new stuff.

I think these are pretty reasonable resolutions!
Let me know if you put any new years resolutions and what are they ;)

Sunday 10 January 2016

christmas holidays

I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas holidays!
I hope you got nice presents and got to be with your family... ;)
But never forget other people that might have got food and water and where just as happy ... :) so what I'm trying to say enjoy but try not to forget others around you and that it's not always about the gifts but about bee in with the people you love <3

Friday 18 December 2015

Christmas, help others make a differents!

Hey guys!
Its been quite a while since i last blogged....
And now I AM BACK !!!!

Okay so i thought on this post i would post about something i believe we ALL LOVE Christmas!
And its only 8 day away!!! 7 more sleeps to go ...

So have you thought of what you want for Christmas?
We may want lots of presents or the latest smartphone but the main thing is being surrounded by the people you love!

Anyway have great holidays, and i hope you are looking forward to Christmas as much as i am !!!

Remember these holidays there will be people that wont have a warm place, wont have any presents,no warm clothing, just there family to keep them happy and for them that is just enough to make their Christmas special.... if you can and have time try helping someone in need. It can be giving sme money or food to charity or a homeless person,or helping in a soup kitchen for a few hours, or giving clothing to charity or to homeless people.
The smallest things for you can be the BEST THING that has happened to a homeless/poor person...
Make a different this Christmas start the new year with helping someone in need!!!

Monday 16 November 2015


I hope all of you enjoyed Halloween!!!
Now its time to get ready for Christmas...!!!
Christmas is in 1 month and 9 days !
Better start getting your Christmas lists!!!

Friday 6 November 2015


If any of you viers are inking of adopting an animal i would suggest you adopt it from a shelter or a pound...because if you adopt animal there it means after you take your animal home, there is a space for another animal that need help....  :)

Sunday 25 October 2015

Some of the SMELLIEST animals on earth

Some animals smell foul for a number of reasons.
In some cases it's a self-defense mechanism; if they feel threatened they will release a noxious spray which will deter any predator. Others may use their musk to mark their territory or keep their food safe from scavengers or it may be that their hair is continually sprayed with their own urine.
Read on to learn some fascinating facts about some of the world’s smelliest animals.

Bombardier Beetle

Bombardier Beetle
These beetles are most notable for the defense mechanism that gives them their name: when disturbed, they eject a hot noxious chemical spray from the tip of their abdomen. The beetle has two separate chemicals, hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide, stored in its body and whenever it feels threatened the chemicals mix with some special enzymes, heat from the reaction brings the foul-smelling liquid to near 100°C and produces gas that drives the ejection. The Bombardier Beetle is able to spray up to 4 times its body length and the damage caused can be fatal to attacking insects and small creatures and is painful to human skin.


Wolverines are shy members of the weasel family, seldom seen by humans. Like most members of the weasel family, it has glands that it secretes fluid from to mark its territory. The musky scent is very unpleasant and has given the wolverine the nicknames of “skunk bear” and “nasty cat”. Wolverines will also spray their leftover food and bury it so they can eat it later. Not only does this help them find it but it deters others from eating it!
Discover how female wolverines ensure their young are born when food is plentiful in our Animals A-Z section.

Stink Bug

Stink Bug

Native to China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan, Stink Bugs are now found in almost every area of the United States after being accidentally introduced. They get their name from the unpleasant odor of the chemical they produce in glands on their abdomen when they are threatened. Some species can actually spray the chemical several inches!

Musk Ox

Musk Ox
These furry, horned mammals that inhabit the Arctic produce a smelly ‘musk’ from their urine. It is only produced by the males and it is used to mark their territory during mating season. This is important because during the mating season male musk oxen are very aggressive. When they mark their territory, a lot of the urine gets matted into the hair around the belly of the animal; this is the reason for their generally bad smell.

Tasmanian Devil

Tasmanian Devil

Now found in the wild only on the Australian island state of Tasmania, these creatures can give off a very powerful odour when under stress, this helps them to protect their environment, but when calm and relaxed they are not smelly at all.

Lesser Anteater

Lesser Anteater
Photo by Jerry Oldenettel
The lesser anteater has been regarded as one of the most foul-smelling creatures in the animal kingdom. Their pungent odour is about 4 to 7 times stronger than that of the skunk. It is possible to smell the lesser anteater up to 50 metres away!